End Of The American Dream
by Star Parker - February 23rd, 2009 - Townhall.com

In one short month, the Obama administration has committed us taxpayers to new obligations equal to what the whole federal budget was a couple years ago [under Republicans].
Beyond any liberal Democrat's wildest dreams, this unprecedented government-spending binge, has been enabled by a narrative. According to this narrative, we now understand that unbridled capitalism doesn't work. Unregulated markets are behind today's problems and all agree that we need more government.
According to our president, because "Big banks traded in risky mortgages ... lenders took advantage of homebuyers ... homebuyers knowingly borrowed too much ..." we have today's housing crisis.
But it's all so untrue. [emphasis added]
What has failed in our country is not capitalism. It is our intentional undermining of it.
Star Parker is becoming one of the leading writers to puncture the lies of the Obama regime. Certainly the history she provides here is an important addition to the public dialog about our coming disasters. Her title is sad but true. We are watching Obama dismantle the American Dream.
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