Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Compromised Party

Reposted as history. Originally posted in May of 2005.

Thomas Sowell - May 25, 2005 -
Unity often beats disunity, even when the side that is unified is smaller. This is not a unique situation. Democrats have long understood that they are in Washington to represent the people who voted for them. Too many Republicans seem to think that they are in Washington to make deals with the Democrats.

The real question is what do Republicans do next? As far back as the Reagan years, many Republicans could not be counted on unless they felt that "their" man was going to win. Even now there are Republicans going around ranting that "the party" let them down and they are going elsewhere. These are mostly the same "good time charlies" who voted for Perot and put Clinton into power for 8 years.

The party did not wimp out and make a deal with the democrats. Seven turncoats did.

We only have one party that is dominated and led by socialists. "The Road To Serfdom" by Hayek makes it very clear that socialism leads to totalitarian control of people's lives. Socialism is not dead just because the Soviet Union collapsed. The people who secretly supported the Soviet Union are still among us. They are now globalists and still dedicated to socialism. They have adopted a new term to call themselves, "progressives". They now control the democratic party.

Stopping socialism is where we must focus our energies and effort. The democratic party will impose socialism however they can. They will use a judicial oligarchy or popular election. The result is what they care about. Not how. This is a test of those who wish to be free. We have to stop socialism by either method.

What are you going to do? Unify or drop out?


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