Saturday, December 23, 2006

Our Most Destructive Kind Of Racism

by Star Parker - December 18, 2006 -

Paula Zahn devoted two of her hour-long CNN shows this week to the topic "Skin Deep: Racism in America."

After taking the time to watch, the question I walked away with was: "What was the point?"


It ignored the most destructive and widely prevailing racist attitude in our society today, one of which both blacks and whites are guilty. This is the attitude that blacks cannot be held to the same standards as whites.

Expectations. The lack of expectations is insidious. The most intelligent writer in America is a black man, Thomas Sowell. Why is he not well known in the black community? I am amazed at the number of black leaders in my community that don't know who he is. I am amazed at the number of black leaders in the Inner Banks who have never read anything by this man. That is a part of the expectations game. Thomas Sowell is a conservative and thus cannot be allowed to influence other blacks. We cannot admit that a black man can write better than white men (and get rich doing it) and still retain affirmative action. It makes affirmative action a joke.

If I wrote this article, I would be denounced as a racist. Star Parker writes this article, and she is called an "Uncle Tom" by many in the black community, just as Bill Cosby was when he asked a similar question. Why is it that there are so many democrats who will not allow this issue to be discussed, much less admit to its truth.

Truth is truth. As long as "political correctness" trumps acknowleding the truth, the political dialog in America is corrupted. As long as the political dialog is corrupted we are in serious trouble. Democracy cannot survive when demagogues win, and right now the demogogues are winning.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, ". . .I fear for my country . . . "


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