Tuesday, January 30, 2007

All The Old Dudes

by Jack Langer - January 29th, 2007 - Human Events Online

"A man could make a fortune selling Geritol to these people."

Capitalist stooge that I am, that was my first reaction upon reaching the Washington Mall last Saturday to observe tens of thousands of demonstrators rally against the war in Iraq.

Expecting a healthy turnout of idealistic youths, I was surprised to find that the crowd was comprised predominantly of middle-aged '60s throwbacks looking to recapture the glory days of the jarring folk music, campus occupations, and general social chaos that accompanied the Vietnam War.


Dominated by the '60s generation as it was, it was unsurprising to see a galaxy of signs and booths invoking the sacred cure-all of nearly every 1960s radical -- socialism.

This is what is frightening about the current support for the democrat party here in America. The complete lack of understanding of what is the motivating factor for democrat leadership among many who are voting for democrats causes me great concern. We cannot pretend that socialism is not the motivating factor for the majority of the democrat leadership, even though it is only at rare events like this that the honesty of the true believers really drives the public demonstrations to stop hiding the doublespeak the leaders normally practice.

When I tell people here in the Inner Banks that socialism is the controlling factor for their leadership's opposition to the war, it is rejected. I don't get any argument. They simply don't believe this can be true. Articles like this one are important because we have to get more public acceptance of what is actually happening if we are going to have a realistic and honest debate. The battle for support in the war against Islamofascism is becoming a proxy battle for and against free enterprise. The socialists believe America must lose this war in order for the left to win the battle against free enterprise. Unfortunately, the American people have not caught on to the motivation of the socialists yet.


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