Monday, March 19, 2007

Why They Want To Lose

by Dinesh D'Souza - March 19th, 2007 -

It seems that there are many on the left who want Bush to lose in Iraq. “The United States needs to lose the war in Iraq as soon as possible,” Gwyne Dyer writes in a recent book. Michael Moore claims that “the Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘the enemy.’ They are the Revolution, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow—and they will win.”

Moore may be right, but what’s striking is that he appears to be cheering them on. He is not unique in his sentiments.

Dinesh is right. Democrats want America to lose. Since they cannot separate themselves from America that means they are prepared to lose a war. Read Dinesh's article and the litany of people on the left who see even the mild "compassionate conservative" principals of Bush as more threatening (to their socialist world goal) than Al Queda is eye opening.

Let's start off with a little honest talk about Bush and his "compassionate conservative" concept. George W. Bush has abandoned conservative principals and tried to invent a new set of principals for the Republican Party. His abandonment of conservative principals is the reason so many in the Republican Party despise Bush with a vigor equal to those on the left. An honest description of what Bush means when he talks about "compassionate conservative" is "big government conservative". This is a classic oxymoron. "Big government" and "conservative" are contradictory concepts. If you believe in individual freedom, you CANNOT, MUST NOT and WILL NOT embrace government bureaucrats telling people how to live.

That is all the government does. It is destructive of individual freedom no matter what idealist excuse was used to justify the expansion of government power. That is what liberals and socialists fear in Bush's world view (and why many conservatives agree with the liberals about Bush). Big government doing things but things that liberals oppose is not their view of progress. It is why liberals are so much angrier at Bush, a man who really agrees with them on their basic philosophy of goverment control, than they are at more conservative people who are in government to resist taxation and control of individual liberty. Not that Liberals hesitate to destroy anyone who represents success of the free enterprise concept.

A perfect example of this phenomenon is the reaction of the left wing of the democrat party to Senator Fred Smith's campaign for Governor here in North Carolina. Fred Smith is an extremely successful lawyer, farmer and businessman. Formerly farming and now building homes is the overwhelming focus of his business enterprises. A very small part of his business enterprise involves road contracts (however it was done to support his building homes, not as a direct business enterprise). How could he have benefitted unfairly by buying an existing road building company? However democrats have started lying about Senator Smith and calling him "Asphalt King", attempting to portray him as enriching himself by abusing public contracts. They pretend this is thr focus of his business. The reason they are so antogonistic to Fred Smith is simple; he is a successful businessman and this is how they wish to label him so they can stop him before he gets better known by the people of North Carolina. Of all the Republican candidates running for Governor of North Carolina, Fred Smith is the one they are incensed about. Why are they so determined to bias the outcome of the Republican Party primary process? The answer is because Fred Smith believes in free enterprise.

That is the one aspect of why liberals want America to lose that Dinesh D'Souza doesn't really make clear. This is still all about the desire by the left to destroy free enterprise. They see free enterprise as an evil system rather than the foundation of our national wealth. They have learned nothing from the failure of socialism in every place that it has been tried. It is the background explanation for why they so passionately want America to lose this war.


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