Thursday, June 21, 2007

Read The Sunspots

by R. Timothy Patterson - June 20th, 2007 - Financial Post

The mud at the bottom of B.C. fjords reveals that solar output drives climate change - and that we should prepare now for dangerous global cooling

When our nation was founded, one of the key components of the way our government was structured was to resist democracy. Surprised? Pure democracy has long been recognized as the most evil form of government. Global warming is a perfect example of the kind of evil that can be foisted on the public when they listen to politicians demagogue an issue. Global warming has got to be the most demagogued issue since racism.

A further quote in the article posted above is an example of the kind of information that is not being discussed by politicians.

The only constant about climate is change; it changes continually and, at times, quite rapidly. Many times in the past, temperatures were far higher than today, and occasionally, temperatures were colder. As recently as 6,000 years ago, it was about 3%C [5.4%F] warmer than now. Ten thousand years ago, while the world was coming out of the thousand-year-long "Younger Dryas" cold episode, temperatures rose as much as 6%C [10.8%F] in a decade -- 100 times faster than the past century's 0.6%C [1.1%F] warming that has so upset environmentalists.

As recently as 1000 years ago the Renaissance was caused by temperatures nearly 2%C higher than today. Those higher temperatures led to a great increase in the production of food and one of the easiest and most progressive periods in man's existence. Why are we reacting to the possibility of a return to higher temperatures as if that is bad? Demagoguery. Purely and simply the left is playing chicken little and predicting disaster where no one can know for sure exactly what will happen. There is no evidence disaster is the probable result or that man is causing it. It is pure speculation.

There are three things that are true.

1. 30 years ago these same people were predicting a global cooling.
2. There is evidence that the current period of high sun activity is coming to a close.
3. There is no evidence man and his CO2 production are causing the current rise in temperatures.

Environmentalists have predicted disaster unless we turn over the reins of government to them for 40 years. This is all about political power, not science. The people who are advocating this already believe in socialism and government control. They are unhappy with our form of government and its reliance on individual freedom. If we listen to them, we are headed down the "road to serfdom" Frederick Hayek predicted.

What concerns me is that we seem to have forgotten what serfdom means. An example was described in "Brave Heart", the movie about Scotland and William Wallace. In the film, the Lord had a right to have sex with any woman serf of his who was about to get married. The bodies of his "serfs" belonged to him. Today that would be more properly called slavery. The trigger to William Wallace's hatred for government and the King was his fiance's unwillingness to surrender that much freedom.

If we listen to these people who advocate government taking drastic action to stop global warming, we are really listening to people who want to make us slaves. How much of your freedom are you willing to surrender to people who are lying about man's role in global warming?


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