Friday, June 08, 2007

Women Rule

By Kathleen Parker - June 8th, 2007 -

From Conception to the Shroud, Women Rule

Not only do women outlive men, but recent research shows that they're also being born more often than in the past. The allegedly stronger sex, it turns out, is really the weaker and more vulnerable -- from conception until death do us part.

Recent statistics prove that the feminist war against males is making serious inroads. Male children are not being born as often, males no longer dominate in school, marriage is being ended as a way to protect children leaving more and more men alone in the world. This last is one of the surest indications of a man's longevity. Bachelors die many years before married men. Loneliness is recognized as the cause.

Feminists are glorying in this new pattern. Male hatred is just about the only politically correct hate left in the legal lexicon.


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