Monday, August 18, 2008

The Marxist Brother

by Burt Prelutsky - August 18th, 2008 -

If you listen to Obama, you’d get the idea that we’re a third world nation, tottering on the edge of poverty. Every word out of his mouth suggests that America is being ground down by corporations when every sane member of the middle class is well aware that the Democrats, who have never met a tax increase they didn’t love or an illegal alien they didn’t see as a potential vote, and who promote class and race warfare as party policy, pose more of a threat to this country than the Soviet Union ever did.


The fact is that when asked a direct question, the man turns into a blithering idiot, even though you would imagine that by this late date he would have memorized the appropriate lines. Perhaps the problem is that this new-style politician is so driven by polls that from moment to moment he’s not sure exactly how he feels about the 16-month deadline in Iraq, the surge, offshore drilling for oil, election financing or dividing the city of Jerusalem. Heck, he even changed his opinion about Reverend Wright overnight. On one notable occasion, during the primaries, he was heard to ask if he could just have a moment to finish his waffle. We all thought he was referring to his breakfast. But apparently that wasn’t the case because the man hasn’t stopped waffling yet.

The above is one of three great articles on the campaign that posted today. The other two are:

Above my Pay Grade? by Kevin McCullough

There is no real consequence to telling untruths in the world of the academic elite that Obama stems from. Every time he opens his mouth it is an opportunity for him to appear as though he is weighing multiple sides of an issue and with his smooth articulation drip words that his sycophantic, brainwashed, supporters believe are divinely inspired script.

But they aren't because he's just a man, just like any other man, with temptations, sin, and deficiencies of judgement. Only Obama's deficiencies in judgement seem unparalleled in recent history.

When asked most forthrightly by Warren as to when a child should have its God given rights protected, Obama balked and claimed "knowing when something" that is obviously living, "begins to live" was, "above his pay grade."


Pastor Warren's Politicized Pulpit A Mistake by Starr Parker.

Partisanship is not our problem today. Healthy partisanship is vital to freedom.

Our problem is moral ambiguity. Anyone that thinks this ambiguity is helpful in addressing poverty, crime, and disease is misinformed.

We need political leaders that are more moral, not church leaders that are more political.

It is clear that we are getting to that time which is known as "the real campaign"; when issues of consequence are finally being discussed. As the Democrat Party has moved even further to the Marxist side of the political divide, the Republican Party has moved in the same direction. The only way to stop this is to discuss the slide in the most clear and unambiguous fashion. The media today talks in superficial terms. However they do want people to follow what is going on ... at least to the extent they read the MSM. The media wants Americans to determine issues based on what feels good. Not what works. We are the richest county on Earth because of free enterprise. Moving to Marxism will destroy our wealth. That is the problem that Democrats either do not understand or simply ignore.

Like when Barack Obama was asked why he would support a tax change that has always REDUCED tax revenues, he proclaimed that he did not care because it was about fairness. So reducing taxes on the rich is needed to be fair even if it reduces the funds available to pay for needed services? Some of the things Obama says are frightening. This is the most obviously stupid. Obama plans us to spend our way to his utopia. Yet he is perfectly willing to start this great spending spree by reducing tax revenues in search of fairness.

This is simply ... insane.


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