Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama And The Reagan Doctrine

by Dinesh D'Souza - September 29th, 2008 -

None of the hijackers or their planners [from 9/11] actually came from Afghanistan. Every single one of them was from the Middle East, mostly Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Moreover, Afghanistan has only minor strategic significance compared to Iraq. Iraq’s neighbors include Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The Islamic radicals, who have controlled Iran for a generation, fully understand the importance of winning a second major state in the Middle East. With Iran and Iraq in their control, they can then turn their sights to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. No wonder Bin Laden and his associates have declared Iraq the central front of the war on terror, the launching pad for a new world war.

Obama, by contrast, still regards the Taliban as the vanguard of global jihad. This shows Obama as being both naïve and out of date.

There is no question that the most serious problem we currently face is the issue of nuclear bombs in Pakistan, and their imminent possession by Iran. Yet we cannot allow that to be our only focus.

That concern over nuclear weapans is part and parcel of one of the three wars America finds itself fighting at this moment. These wars are by movements not nation states and thus we are not historically prepared to understand how to fight them.

We are in the midst of an Hispanic Cultural invasion driven by economic failures throughout the America Hemisphere, an Islamo-fascist invasion driven by the desire for a world dictatorship under a restored Caliphate, and finally the global socialist movement continues its quest to end free enterprise and install a pacifist dictatorship within our borders by subversion of our economic system.

All three movements see America as their number one target due to the economic success of our nation. Not one of the three recognizes what it is about America that leads to this success. Not one of the three wants to end that success. They merely want to control it. However not one of the three understands that their dominiance over America will end the economic success and drag the world down with it. The individual freedom of America is key to the success of our free enterprise economic system. End free enterprise and you will end individual freedom and the greatness of America ends too.

This article about the difference between the Bush Doctrine (one of them) and the Reagan Doctrine (one of them) in the middle east is a credible assessment of one part of one of these serious wars. However it ignores the other two wars America finds itself in at this point.

I am concerned that we need to pay as much attention to the other two wars as we have paid to the war against Islamo-fascism. We need to fight all three wars all the time. Obama is leading one front in the war by global socialism to end free enterprise in America. If our people put him in power, his pacifism will assure we lose the other two wars as well. This is one future that many of our citizens seem oblivious to as they focus on the crisis of the moment.


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