Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whoopi Asks McCain:
'Do I Have To Be Worried About Becoming A Slave Again?'

by Justin McCarthy - September 12th, 2008 - Media Research Center

The legalization of slavery is a big campaign issue. Just ask Whoopi Goldberg. Republican nominee John McCain appeared on the September 12 edition of "The View." Answering a question about his opposition to Roe v. Wade, McCain insisted that he would support judges who strictly interpret the Constitution. This must have set alarms for Whoopi Goldberg who asked "do I have to worry about becoming a slave again?"

Excuse me Whoopi, but what do you use for brains?

If black women can't have an abortion ... then that is slavery? Poor Whoopi. How can someone as rich as this woman constantly harp about all the racism she has to deal with?

ust a reminder, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, decisions about abortion will be back in the hands of the State Legislatures, most of them like here in NC in the hands of Democrats. If Whoopi is afraid of being made a slave it is Democrats that will do it ... just like the last time.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Carolina Conservative said...

I was discussing the abortion issue with somebody recently. I told them that even if Roe v. Wade is overturned that abortion won't be illegal. It will go back to the states. There is no way that every state will outlaw it.


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