Saturday, September 12, 2009

Eight Years On

by Mark Steyn - September 11th, 2009 - National Review

No dynamic culture can stand still, so we shouldn't be surprised that fewer and fewer people, from the president down, find it harder and harder to remember quite what "the day that changed the world" was all about. Nevertheless, there is unfinished business — starting with that hole in the ground in lower Manhattan. As James Lileks says:

That we couldn’t stand there eight years ago was their fault. That we cannot stand there today is ours.

At Ground Zero and in that field in Pennsylvania, we broke faith with the dead. What a small number of brave civilians did on Flight 93 was magnificent. The feeble passivity of their wretched memorial — the "crescent of embrace" or whatever nancified modification is on the table this week — is a national disgrace.

The article posted below asks a question that can make you discouraged. This article should make you mad. I have been annoyed by the weak governmental response to the Muslim rage about some obscure cartoons, but had never really thought about how much that response indicates we are losing the battle against Islamo-fascism. We have become weak and gutless and unwilling to stand up for our own beliefs.

That does not bode well for our chance to win this war for the future of the world.


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