Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sarah Palin rebuts NAACP...

... charge of Tea Party racism

Editorial - July 14th, 2010 - Los Angeles Times

... Ben Jealous, the [NAACP's] newly elected president, was an outspoken critic of the [TEA Party] political protest movement this week, saying it divides the country and "represents a small and dying demographic."

Jealous added: 'It's time for the Tea Party to be responsible members of this democracy and make sure they don't tolerate bigots or bigotry among their members."

Late Tuesday, Tea Party favorite Palin posted her response. Among other things, she said:

It seemed that with the election of our first black president, our country had become a new “post-racial” society. ... We, as a united people, applauded that sentiment. We were proud of that progress. That’s why it is so sad to see that 18 months later, the NAACP is once again using the divisive language of the past to unfairly accuse the Tea Party movement of harboring “racist elements. ...

The only purpose of such an unfair accusation of racism is to dissuade good Americans from joining the Tea Party movement or listening to the common sense message of Tea Party Americans who simply want government to abide by our Constitution, live within its means, and not borrow and spend away our children’s futures. Red and yellow, black and white, this message is precious in all our sights.

Palin said she had just returned from a few days of visiting a remote Alaskan village with the family of her husband, Todd, who is a Yupik Eskimo.

"In the decades that our families have blended," Palin wrote, "I have never heard one proud, patriotic member judge another member based on skin color. Both Todd and I were raised to measure a person according to their capacity and willingness to love, work, forgive, contribute and show good character. We’re joined by the vast majority of Americans in this belief."

I would suggest that Ben Jealous stop proving he is aptly named. The organization he represents is the most hate filled, envy driven, coalition of racist bigots in our nation. There are a lot more blacks, hispanics, asians and other people of color at every TEA Party event than you will ever find whites, hispanics or asians at an NAACP meeting.


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