Monday, May 15, 2006

The NAACP's Fight Against Private School Vouchers

by Star Parker - May 15th, 2006 -
So why would the NAACP work to kill a program that gives low income minority kids a chance to get a good education at a private school?

"Vouchers siphon off money from public education," according to the president of the NAACP's New York Chapter.

But, of course, vouchers do not siphon off money from the public school system. However, they do cause the public school system to compete for those funds. Vouchers shift power to parents from bureaucrats.

Here, as elsewhere, NAACP leadership automatically equates big government with black interests.

There is no question but that black leadership is courrently aligned with the big government attitude of socialism. Not only the NAACP but most other black leadership is comletely dedicated to socialism. They take their cues from ANSWER and various other global socialism front groups, which to a great extent are also anti American.

However this is rapidly changing in the community even if the leadership is not yet on board. More and more the natural conservative attitudes of much of the African-American community, their love of God, their moral commitment, their willingness to work, their pride in community . . . makes them realize that the corruption of socialism is simply not compatible with their values.

That is one reason that the black leadership is so hostile to the Republican Party. They know they are losing their power.


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