Thursday, June 01, 2006

Jimmy Carter: Recovering Racist,
Still a Bigot

By Julia Gorin - June 1, 2006 - Jewish World Review

Jimmy Carter has been called everything from a humanitarian, to a crack pot, to the ultimate pacifist. But a look into his past reveals a shoe that fits better than all of these.

It's a story told to me by an acquaintance from Watertown, NY, a place situated way upstate, well north of Syracuse. The acquaintance had heard it from two barflies who were there the night in 1975 that Jimmy Carter passed through town in his first New York appearance during the "250-day 1975 portion of the presidential campaign," as Carter had called it.

The story goes that after giving a speech at the Holiday Inn, Carter stopped by the Rebel Room Tavern, a bar that once existed near the old Woolworth building and catered to southern servicemen based near by. Not knowing that an employee from the local paper was present, Carter joked around with the locals and, as two of those locals related the story to my friend, "every other word out of his mouth was 'nigger' or 'kike.'" But styling itself after The New York Times, the paper didn't print undignified information about candidates it was friendly toward, and the potentially damaging tidbit never made it into print.

It is the litany of stories like these that have created the legacy of the Main Stream Media (MSM) and the certainty that almost everyone from the middle to the right of the political spectrum no longer believes or trusts anything said by most of the reporters in the MSM.

No one except followers of ANSWER or believes anything that Jimmy Carter says. The rumors about the tri-lateral commission and the proven number of times that Carter has made excuses for the global socialist movement simply assure that anyone who says anything positive about Carter is considered to be a left wing wacko. His hatred for Israel and his excuses for the Palestinian terrorists brand him a jew hater along the lines of the current leader of Iran.

It is hard to believe that Carter still has anyone who defends him, but there are a lot who do! It does not appear that Julia Gorin is among them.


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