Newt Gingrich Endorses Fred Smith

Jason Soper, Blair Keen, Dodie Renfer and Sheriff Steve Bizzell Are Early Arrivals
Last night we had politics in action. One of the most fun kind of events in politics is the fund raiser. Newt Gingrich was in Raleigh to headline an event for Senatorial candidate Fred Smith. Gingrich has not lost his mastery of the issues that face our nation and it was a great night.

While Waiting For The Fund Raiser To Start, Everyone Caught Up With Old Friends

Newt Gingrich And Fred Smith Getting Ready For Pictures With Attendees

Ginny Smith Was Greeting People At The Door
Introduced by the candidate himself, Senator Fred Smith, Gingrich opened his presentation with an explanation of what we as Republicans have learned over the years; "Words matter" when they are the truth. It is when we follow through with the truth that we change the world.

When The Line For Pictures Started Moving, It Went Fast

Olden Thornton, Jim Anthony, Vernon Robinson and Ryan Miller Discussing . . What Else, Politics

Chuck Stires, Senate Candidate, Visits With Mike Wilburt
Gingrich started off with the story of when Ronald Reagan was asked what he thought would be the best solution for the cold war. His answer was "We win . . they lose". The press went balistic at the simplicity of what they referred to as "the cowboy". He was equally blunt when he said "The Soviet Union is an evil empire". However we found out later the amazing power of those words. Natan Sharansky said that those words spread like wildfire through the Soviet Archipelago of prison camps and had two effects. Guards moral sank. Prisoner moral went up. Today the Soviet Union does not exist. Though college professors had a conference on the demise of the Soviet Union and never once mentioned Ronald Reagan, it is truth that the Sovient Union disappeared because Ronald Reagan won.

After Pictures Everyone Lined Up For The Great Food

Teresa Winders Joins Ginny Smith And Her Family
Gingrich said that he was concerned that the Republican Party has forgotten this reality that words matter. He said that vision must be followed by principals and that principals must lead to policy. He gave as an example of his belief that the current democratic party has become hysterical. . . the comparison between Dick Murtha, "The U.S. is a greater threat than North Korea or Iran", and Walter Mondale, "North Korea is so dangerous that we should take out their missle on the launch pad". Gingrich joked that the best thing the Republican party could do would be to sponsor a debate between Murtha and Mondale, two democrats, and let people decide which spoke the truth.

The O'Neals From Raleigh And Apex Are Friends Of Fred Smith!
With reams of statistics as he always has at hand, Gingrich proceded to take on several of the major topics of our time; the war in Iraq, the issues of education, energy policy, welfare, the structure of government and immigration.

Color Guard Presents Our Flag

The Dais, Senator Fred Smith, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Marc Rotterman, Sheriff Carey Winders, Sheriff Steve Bissell and Pat O'Neal, Chairman of Christian Businessmen for Christ
On immigration he had some of his most cogent criticisms. Gingrich noted that last year the social security system received over 6 billion dollars in deductions from payroll of people who are working with illegal social security numbers. Those are non-persons for whom the social security numbers have never been issued. However not a single one of these people, or their employers, have been charged with a crime in the last year.

Senator Fred Smith Opens With His Vision For North Carolina, and Introduces Newt Gingrich
Gingrich closed the presentation with an irony. He said that we started tonights meeting with a pledge of allegiance. However the ninth circuit court of appeals says that it is unconstitutional to start any public gathering with our current pledge. The question is, can courts rewrite our laws or should that just be the power of the elected legislative branch?

Newt Gingrich Is Still Popular With This Crowd
After the presentation no one wanted to leave. It was a spirited group who hung around and talked and talked about the issues that had been discussed. Fred Smith is a popular candidate and has attracted a great group of supporters, "The friends of Fred Smith". On this night they were excited by the thoughts that had been presented and the future it represented.

Newt Gingrich Is A Powerful Speaker And Knows His Material Well
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