Point Of No Return
by Thomas Sowell - August 22, 2006 - Townhall.com

Thomas Sowell
It is hard to think of a time when a nation -- and a whole civilization -- has drifted more futilely toward a bigger catastrophe than that looming over the United States and western civilization today.
Nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran and North Korea mean that it is only a matter of time before there are nuclear weapons in the hands of international terrorist organizations. North Korea needs money and Iran has brazenly stated its aim as the destruction of Israel -- and both its actions and its rhetoric suggest aims that extend even beyond a second Holocaust.
Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.
Thomas Sowell is someone that everyone should know. He is probably America's best writer. He is also one of the most practical common sense individuals who has ever lived. He has long written with clarity about the problems of our nation. However he seems to be more concerned than I have ever found him before about the issue of nuclear bombs in the hands of islamofascists.
It is concern from genuises like Sowell that are fueling my own rising concern. The anti-war and appeasement forces are driven by their great pride of forcing America out of Vietnam. It was the victory of their youth, and they are passionate in their desire to see us out of Iraq. As in Vietnam they can see only their own righteousness and not the consequences of their actions. However the consequences of Vietnam were mostly felt by people in Vietnam. They were the ones who were killed and imprisoned after the war was over. The appeasers ignored the bloodbath then and even denied that it was going on. Many of them still deny that the bloodbath happened.
In this war in Iraq our enemies are real. The consequences are real. Listen to Sowell. Read this article and tell your friends. Appeasing these fanatics will be a disaster. However Iraq is not Vietnam in one serious way. Losing this war will not have consequences for people far away. The disaster will happen to us.
As Thomas Sowell says in this article, "After we, or our children and grandchildren, find ourselves living at the mercy of people with no mercy, what will future generations think of us, that we let this happen because we wanted to placate "world opinion" by not acting 'unilaterally'? We are fast approaching the point of no return."
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