Republicans Gather in Greenville
Curt Hendrix and Robert Rector welcomed everyone to the First and Second District Reverse Raffle to generate revenue for Republican candidates running for office. There was a great turnout and it was a great evening.

Republican Reverse Raffle Crowd
(The Toppin Family In Front And Ron Toppin Is In The Background)
This evening highlighted the conservative judicial candidates. The three judicial candidates are Judge Ann Marie Calabria , Judge Donna Stroud and Judge Kris Bailey .

Judge Ann Marie Calabria

Judge Donna Stroud

Judge Kris Bailey
Guests were also treated to an emotional speech from Fred Smith NC Senatorial candidate from Johnston County.
Fred spoke movingly about his son, who has just voluntrered for active duty in the military at 35 years old. Jule is in the U.S. Naval Reserve and because of the war he was inspired to give back to our nation. Fred had just flown down to Athens Georgia to see his son, and he shared with us both his pride, and his fears, that his son would do this during a time of war.

Senator Fred Smith Gives An Emotional Speech
Many families are facing this same dilema. No one is ambivalent about this. And no single emotion dominates when a family deals with this. Today our military is totally volunteer. That is what makes America such a great nation.
Though we had drafts in the past, our nation has never really depended on them. During World War II it was typical that draft notices were sent to young men only to find they were already in the service. The volunteer force of today is amazing in that this nation will stand or fail based on our ability to find the heroes who will defend us voluntarily.
We are so proud of Fred's son, Jule. Please pray for Jule, his wife Alisa, and their two daughters.

Jule and Alisa Smith With Family
God bless America.
If you would like to learn more about Fred Smith's programs and goals, you can visit his company web site, or his campaign web site. Both links are provided below.
Fred Smith Company
Senator Fred Smith Campaign Site
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