Ron Toppin Campaigns Hard
During Campaign 2006, Ron Toppin, Candidate for North Carolina Senate District #1, has proved himself one of the hardest working campaigners I have ever seen. I had met Ron at a couple of his campaign efforts and watched him work. During those events he would talk about other activities he had done on the same day. I wanted to see how he kept up this pace at multiple events, so at my request he let me accompany him on an entire day of campaigning.
The day started early on Saturday morning when we met before 6:30 AM in Plymouth. Our first stop was to be the parade for the Scuppernong River Festival in Columbia North Carolina.
Arriving Early To Meet The Parade Workers
Courthouse Was Being Prepared As Bandstand
Crowds Start To Gather As Parade Time Draws Near
Not The Typical Parade Lineup
The Parade Was Led By The United States And North Carolina Flags
The Uncle Sam Figure Strode Tall
Veterans Groups Rode In Honor
High School ROTC Marching Platoon
The First Of A Long Line Of Fire Engines From Local Fire Brigages
The National Park Service Advertised Red Wolves
The First Of Several Bands
The Cub Scouts Marched Proudly
The Entire Event, Ron Kept Working The Crowd And Handing Out Campaign Literature
Columbia Is Farming Country
There Is Always A Corvette In Every Parade
Drummers Kept The Beat
The Red Hat Ladies Were Having A Blast
After The Parade The Crowd Flooded Main Street
Ron Was One Of Several Politicians Who Were Out Talking With Voters
The next event on the agenda for Ron was the Camden County Mini Carnival on behalf of Pat Duckworth For Sheriff.
Pat Duckworth, Candidate for Sheriff of Camden County, sponsored a a Free Public Mini Carnival to attract kids and their parents to his campaign event. It was a huge success, partly because of the absolutely beautiful fall day when it was held Saturday.
The sponsoring candidate, Pat Duckworth is a 25 year veteran of the Portsmouth police department who is currently serving on the Camden County Board of Adjustments. He is also a Vietnam veteran having served in the Air Force.
The kids did not pay much attention to the campaign part of the event, but many of the parents were quite interested to talk with Pat about his candidacy.
Pat Duckworth Greets Parents At The Kids Mini Carnival
The Crowd Sprawled Everywhere Over The Park And Playground Area
Judicial Candidate John Flora Helped Out Serving Cotton Candy
Senate Candidate Ron Toppin Helped Out Making Hot Dogs
It was a great day and clearly the kids had a blast. Some of them went home stuffed on the free hot dogs, snow cones, cotton candy, pop corn and drinks.
As he did at the parade, Ron worked the crowd, greeting people and handing out his campaign platform. Between working to hand out hotdogs and meeting people, he seemed to never take a break.
The day finally concluded with a stop in Currituck County. Ron had dinner at the Shawboro Ruritan Club Prime Rib Dinner Fund Raiser. After dinner he spent another long session greeting people and handing out flyers, talking with people about the issues and their concerns.
Greeting People At The Shawboro Ruritan Club Prime Rib Dinner
With that over, we drove back to Plymouth where Ron dropped me off at my car. Ron then headed out for a more work on some campaign ads that he had to do at his house.
His campaign efforts are truly amazing.
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