Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dole Urges Navy To Seek Another OLF Site

by Cal Bryant - April 23rd, 2007 - Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The battle lines for construction of an Outlying Landing Field (OLF) have once again shifted north.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) sent a letter on April 19 to the Secretary of the Navy opposing the Navy’s proposal to build an outlying landing field in Washington County and calling on the service to withdraw its recommendation for an OLF at that site.

Actually, U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) has also come out against the Washington County site for the OLF, so both of our Senators are opposing the constuction of an OLF in North Carolina.

Letters from both Senators can be found at the links below:
Senator Burr's letter
Senator Dole's letter

The State of Virginia has taken this opportunity to try and retain the benefits of the OLF for their state, recognizing that long term wherever the OLF goes, will most likely be the preferred location if Oceana is ever closed. John Warner is leading this effort as noted in the article from the News-Herald.

Since the Democrats have declared the war against Islamofascism lost (see Harry Reid's comments in the article below) it probably doesn't matter whether we have a well trained military or not. If we really are ready to declare we surrender, building an OLF anywhere is no longer an important battle.


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