Amensty Is Assured
by The Editors - May 17th, 2007 - National Review Online
“The fight over legalization, or ‘amnesty,’ is all but over,” exults the Manhattan Institute’s Tamar Jacoby, and the “yahoos” who oppose it have been routed. She is right about who has won, at least as far as the Senate is concerned. The Bush-Kennedy immigration “reform,” which is now expected to win broad bipartisan support in that chamber, provides legal status for an estimated 12 million illegal aliens. In exchange for the massive, unpopular amnesty, Senator Kennedy is willing to engage in a little “border dressing” that purports to beef up enforcement of current laws barring illegal entry and the employment of illegal workers. As in the past, supporters of border and workplace enforcement will get the rhetoric, illegal aliens the prize, and taxpayers the huge tab.
Despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans oppose amnesty, our elected officials are going to pass it for one reason. American citizens continue to be deluded when it comes time to vote. They vote for the easy way out, for an illusion, for (in the words of Robert Heinlein) a "free lunch". Reality still happens.
One of the con jobs going on is the claim that this is a bipartisan bill. Nonsense. It is actually a liberal bill that a handfull of Republicans who are out of step with their party are crossing over to support. Only when you have a significant number of both parties supporting a bill can it honestly be called bipartisan. You don't have that here.
Getting back to reality, let's talk about the losers in this from our nations perspective. Who are the losers?
Our unskilled American workers get competition for their jobs out of this. Excuse me, what they get is massively increased competition for the unskilled jobs in our nation. In other words many will lose their jobs. Do you think this will keep them from voting for the very people who are ramming this down our throats?
Our taxpayers get a huge new bill for public services for the flood of unskilled workers. Schools, hospitals, social services agencies, all will see a massive increase in demand that will take services from our own poor even as it burdens the taxpayers of our nation with increased taxes of gargantuan amounts. Do you think this will dissuade them from supporting the politicians that quietly pass this bill?
Our culture will suffer another hammer blow as massive new immmigration of people who reject our culture and hate our nation come here not to join in, but to shove their culture down our throats. Already in California they are talking about making Spanish the "official" language of the state. It will happen here soon too. Do you think it will matter to people who don't connect the loss of their jobs or the increase in their taxes to the actions taken by the people they elected?
If you oppose these three catastrophic consequences that is simply too bad. As noted in the article, you are simply a "yahoo" according to the liberals at the Manhattan Institute.
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