Monday, June 11, 2007

Illegal Immigrants Box
Out Black Citizens

by Dr. Ada Fisher - June 7th, 2007

One would think that a 3.7 GPA and 1800 on the SAT (out of 2000) by a black male would be enough to guarantee his college admission anywhere with a full financial ride. Don’t you believe it! Increasingly, black males and black students who have academically done above average work are finding themselves boxed out of financial aid for college.

In a time when we are willing to consider giving those in NC illegally . . . . tuition breaks at the state rate . . . . or in Florida possibly admitting students here illegally free, what are we saying to native born citizens whose parents pay the taxes for these educational institutions? We also need to examine the academic performance of athletes with their graduation rates and have a public disclosure of the financial awards they receive. Are they meeting the same standards as other students?

I have always opposed illegal immigration because it is not fair, it is racist against darker skinned immigrants and it encroaches on the rights and opportunities of those who live in this nation and have played by the rules. The new Immigration bill being proposed by Congress is amnesty plain and simple. If it passes, every congress person who supports it should be put out of office. We must strengthen borders, put in the provisions forcing employer compliance with the laws in hiring, and fail to make the benefits of higher education available to those here illegally. Emergency services in good conscious cannot humanely be denied to anyone, but we must avoid providing to non-citizens breaks which we don’t give to our own citizens.

The Black Caucus should be out-raged at this travesty of justice in seeing others cut to the front of the line ahead of those born here. Where is our leadership from those who say they have a special understanding of black people? Illegal immigration does nothing but push more of us to the back of the line and that is not acceptable for too many citizens have died in the struggle for their civil rights and opportunities which are still being denied.

Dr. Ada M. Fisher is a physician, licensed teacher for secondary education in mathematics and science; and previously elected school board member. Dr. Fisher is the Republican candidate for the NC 12th US congressional district. Contact her at P. O. Box 777; Salisbury, NC 28145; telephone (704) 637-6134,


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