Friday, February 15, 2008

Close The Enthusiasm Gap
With Straight Talk About Hope

by Lorie Byrd - February 15th, 2008 -

[Michael] Steele spoke about “hope” in [a] speech [at Civitas] last year and put the same thoughts into An open letter to the Republican Presidential Candidates. Steele wrote:

“For years, I sat in audiences and listened as politicians tried to win over voters, especially minority voters, by talking about hope. "Hope is on the way”, “keep hope alive”, “hope you have a nice day!” But our communities demand more from its leaders than “hope” because hope by itself is not a strategy. Hope doesn’t protect you from terrorists, hope doesn’t lower your taxes, hope doesn’t help you buy a home, and hope doesn’t ensure quality education for your kids. What we Republicans can speak to and the kind of leadership Americans demand (and we can provide) affords every citizen the opportunity to turn their dreams into reality and their hopes into action for themselves and their families. Without action, hope passively waits on others to solve problems. Without action, hope looks to next year instead of doing the hard work required today. Without action, hope is powerless to transform lives.”

I too heard Michael Steele at the Civitas meeting last year and remember the standing ovations that his speech inspired. He inspired me with the same vision and commitment to conservative ideals exemplified in the letter quoted from above. I remember the commitment to dreams of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the way he inspired people with his belief that dreams are what make America great. We need more leaders that can inspire dreams . . . rather than talk about hope.

Dreams are valuable. Hope is like smoke, ephemeral and wispy. Steele is right. It is action that we need. Michael Steele is the kind of intelligent and articulate leader that the Republican Party is looking for. No one would make a more outstanding Vice President. I second Lorie's nomination.


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