Monday, August 18, 2008

Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown?

by Stanley Kurtz - August 18th, 2008 - National Review Online

Although Obama actually launched his political career at an event at [Bill] Ayers’s and [Bernardine] Dohrn’s home, Obama has dismissed Ayers as just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” and “not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.” For his part, Ayers [Weather Underground bomber who still hates America] refuses to discuss his relationship with Obama

The fact that such a close relationship is being so carefully hidden has got to worry anyone who loves America. I cannot get over the casual way the press has ignored Obama's threat to create a Civil Police Security Force "equal to the military in funding". What explains his desire to have at his disposal a powerful police force that is not restricted from being used inside the United States as our current military is restricted? What does Obama need this type of police power to accomplish?

This man with his close relationship to a couple that has hated America for more than 40 years shows little love for the average American. In fact he seems to show total disdain for the average American.

How can we sanely accept that his threat to create this police power, a power not currently in existence and which will exist under the command of the President, does not by itself make him unfit to be President? Who thinks it will be used to do good?


At 2:33 PM, Blogger foxtown said...

I am fairly certain Stanley Kurtz got his lead from Steve Diamond of Global Labor and Politics.

See more here:

"Annenberg-Gate" - It's not the crime, it's the cover up"

"The Obama-Ayers Top Ten: Highlights of the 20 year Obama-Ayers Connection"

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Dean Stephens said...

If he did not get his lead, he certainly shares many of his opinions!

Thanks for the link to It is a great site and Steve Diamond is clearly helping to clarify some of the things going on in the world. I do find his theory about communism (as an oganization rather than a phisolophy) versus global socialism (as a movement of fellow travellers) to be truly intriguing. It closely mirrors some of my thoughts and I plan to read some more to be sure I understand where he is coming from.

Thanks for the comment.


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