Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quayle Hunt Gets Under Way

by John Kass - August 30th, 2008 - Chicago Tribune

It's the political reform, stupid!

The young Alaska Republican put her political career on the line by challenging the corrupt, old Alaskan Republican bulls on their sleazy pay-for-play politics and their use of the public trust to fill the pockets of their friends. She didn't merely talk about abstract change in Washington. She challenged corruption at home, challenged her own party bosses—some of whom are already in prison—at great risk to her political future.

It is something I've begged and begged Obama to do with the ham-fisted pols in Chicago and Illinois—to not merely talk about change far away, but to take a principled stand even if that stand runs counter to his political interests at home; to challenge the thugs of his own party, to give us a reason to believe he's the man he says he is. He has politely declined.

In this, Obama obviously has more experience than Palin.

Leave it to a Democrat to sum up the most important point about Sarah Palin that may get missed by both sides. This article by John Kass is surprising for someone who is an Obama supporter. I suppose he wrote it because he is from Chicago and really does seem disappointed in Obama for never taking on the corrupt Chicago Democrat party.

That point is actually why the Democrats will have a hard time smearing Palin like they smeared Quayle. She is a fighter and ethical. How far can their smears go?


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