Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama Seeks To Silence Ad
Tying Him To 60s Radical

by Jim Kuhnhenn - August 25th, 2008 - Associated Press

"Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, 'Respectable' and 'Mainstream,'" the group's ad states. "Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' home. And the two served together on a left-wing board. Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it? Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?"

This is the ad that Barack Obama is trying to get banned from TV. Obama says it is lies and that is his reason for wanting it banned. However the question you MUST ask is what is the lie.

Defending Ayers as "Respectable and mainstream" is an exact quote from Obama. Can it be a lie to quote someone?

Claiming Obama's political career was "launched" in Ayers home when it was the site of his first fundraiser is opinion. Opinion cannot be honestly called a lie. Is Obama ashamed of having associated with Ayers? What is the lie?

Ayers created an organization called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and people involved with that organzation have said that Ayers chose Obama to be the chairman of the organization whose board Ayers also served on. It has been described as having a radical agenda to foster socialism in our schools. Is it a lie to equate this as serving together on a left wing board? Is the characterization of "left-wing" what Obama is calling a lie? Is Obama arguing that it was not an advocay group for radical left wing theories?

Bill Ayers did bomb the Capitol and is still bragging about the fact that he would do it again. Bill Ayers is expressing the opinion that he did not do enough to bring down America. Is Obama saying he is not friends with Bill Ayers? He knows him. He will not denounce him. They have worked together for years on a common agenda. Is it really a "lie" to equate this pattern with friendship?

When did free speech come to mean speech subservient to a poltical agenda of socialists? If Barack Obama is willing to try this hard to end free speech now, what will he do if he gets the powerful federal police force he has advocated to replace our military? How is this Obama agenda not just radical socialism, but fascism as well?

Barack Obama is frightening to anyone who still believes in freedom.

If you doubt that just listen to what David Brooks, New York Times synchophant and Obama supporter claims are Barack Obama's strengths.
He is unconnected with the tired old fights that constrict our politics. He is in tune with a new era. He has very little experience but a lot of potential. He does not have big achievements, but he is authentically the sort of person who emerges in a multicultural, globalized age. He is therefore naturally in step with the problems that will confront us in the years to come.

If you can find anything but vague platitudes in that list, let me know. What I can say is that every one of these statements is provably false, starting with the reality that Obama plays hardball without a qualm. Trying to stop the ad above by intimidating the media is a perfect example of how Obama will govern.


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