Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Obama-Ayers Top Ten

Highlights of the 20 year Obama-Ayers Connection

by Steve Diamond - August 10th, 2008 - Global Labor and Politics

If you take the Obama campaign at its word, the contention that there is a relationship between Bill Ayers and Barack Obama is “phony,” “tenuous,” a “stretch.” In Obama's own words, Ayers was "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood," certainly not a long time close political ally.

But a review of just the publicly known highlights of the Ayers-Obama relationship suggests a twenty year pattern of connections between the two.

Thanks to blogger "kat in your hat" for the link to Steve Diamond's blog, Global Labor and Politics. Because of the connection between the global labor market and politics, Ronald Reagan became an expert at the workings of the communist party in his day. Steve Diamond has some astute thoughts on the modern workings of the global socialist movement which has replaced the Soviet Union's influence over socialist thought and the huge number of people, including many Democrats, who are dedicated to the elimination of our free enterprise system.

Here Steve blogs on a related subject, the relationship between the Marxist and global socialist hero Barack Obama and the long term left wing extremist Bill Ayers. Those in politics have little illusion about the close ties between any politician and the people who put on his very first fund raiser. So why does Barack Obama belittle that relationship for his first supporter?

Steve Diamond has documented in the posting above some Obama-Ayers history that anyone who is concerned about Obama should read.


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