Bold Sculpture Of Michelle Obama
with American flag across her bare chest
by Lucy Cockcroft - September 18th, 2008 - London Telegraph

The work, by controversial sculptor Daniel Edwards, is clearly a nod to both Mrs Obama's ethnic roots and her position at the heart of American culture and politics.
What? Her position at the heart of American culture? Since when?
Nothing epitomizes the disconnect between the two political campaigns currently being waged more than this statue. To Obama supporters, they see their nation as African-American, not American. Their opponents are American and everything that it stands for. The belief among blacks, African-Americans as they like to call themselves, that a 12% minority deserves equal billing to white America, 71% of the nation, is the reason that so many other Americans, Asian, Hispanic and white, cannot grasp the totality of the Obama view of the world.

At its core it is more militantly racist than any political effort in our history. Approximately 30% to 35% of blacks in America espouse views that are overwhelmingly conservative. Yet only 12% to 14% of blacks have tradtionally voted conservative. This year 96% of blacks are voting for Obama, a man whose political philosophy is overwhelmingly Marxist. Only 4% of blacks see any issue as more important than their race. No more powerful statement of a racist view of our nation has ever been made. To anyone who loves the American ideal of respect for the individual and opposition to racism (or any form of group identification) this campaign seems destined to display that a level of hate that we have worked really hard to end has really simply gone underground. It smolders among people we thought were friends, but who may not be friends at all.
I wish black voters would wise up. The Democratic Party does not have their best interests at heart. They need to really take a look at the Republican Party. This is after all the party of Lincoln. The policies of the Democrats have caused many of the problems, or at least made them worse, in the black community. Black voters need to vote on something more than race. I sure wouldn't vote for a man or woman just because they were white.
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