Friday, September 05, 2008

. . . For McCain

by Randall Hoven - Septermber 5th, 2008 - The American Thinker

Sarah Palin is pro-freedom, pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax, anti-spending. And she walks the walk. Her life story is pure American -- even old-time, frontier American. We can compare experience levels in years of "public service": her 12 to Barack Obama's 11. But more importantly, Obama's experience consists mostly of missing a lot of votes so he could write a second autobiography and make speeches, while Palin's includes negotiating a gas pipeline deal with Canada and confronting Big Oil face-to-face and making it blink.

Sarah Palin also represents real reform in government. Not just reform in the sense of ethics rules, but reform in the sense of getting back to the days where elected officials were normal people recognized for their real-world leadership, not professional politicians, usually lawyers, adept at making good excuses, not good decisions. Alexis de Tocqueville would recognize her as an American: a Bible in one pocket and a newspaper in the other.

And because she is so young, John McCain showed us the future of the Republican party.

The future of the Republican Party is pro-freedom, pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax, anti-spending (especially wasteful spending). Even if they lose, John McCain will have done much to reverse the drifting uncertainty of who we are which destroyed us in 2006. For that Americans will owe him a debt.


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