Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Boston Globe Leads With a Lie
-- Debunked Palin Rape Kit Story Raised Again

by Warner Todd Huston - October 1st, 2008 - Newsbusters

It's no surprise that this proven lie against Palin is being whipped up again just before the VP debates by the Obama flacks at the Globe. They want her to be tagged with this lie to distract her from real issues, it is plain. And that isn't just my opinion because they justify the re-raising of this long ago debunked charge as one that should be asked of her during the debate on Thursday.

The vitriolic lies against this lady continue. Outrageous, partisan, contemptible lies continue to be promulgated every single day. And now they are recycling the already disproven lies to try and malign her with the impression that all of these attacks are really true. They believe they can destroy her as they have destroyed other conservatives before she can ever become well known. This campaign has been based on lie after lie after lie. Even as each is disproved, they continue the drumbeat of nasty unrelenting attacks.

The war by the global socialists is getting more agressive and nasty as they sense the victory by Barack Obama will give them the tyrannical control of America they have long sought. The one thing that Palin is guilty of which these socialists cannot forgive is believing in the goodness of America. It is clear the global socialists do not see America with the same view that I do. This election is going to determine whether the people who demonize Sarah Palin will get the power to demonize anyone who dares to disagree with their view of the world.


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