Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama And Holder Declare Race War

Holder Seen as a Chance To Right Racial Wrongs

by Carrie Johnson and Krissah Thompson - February 5th, 2009 - Washington Post

For decades, the face of the criminal justice system in this country has been black and male: hundreds of thousands locked behind bars, arrested in disproportionate numbers and facing execution at rates far greater than those for the general population.

It is obvious there are still some injustices that need fixing in our justice system. My own blog The Rule Of Law has plenty of amunition for the premise that our court system needs to fix its shortcomings. I have long decried the unfair bias in the 'war on drugs' that penalized young black males more severly than others who committed identical 'crimes'.

However no one should ignore the extreme racist bias of the black community and think that inculcating their racist bias into our courts will improve the quality of justice in America. 90% of blacks insist that O.J. Simpson is innocent. To the black community killing a couple of honkies is simply getting even. They don't think it should be punishable by a prison term.

That is frightening. What we really need to do is persuade our courts to adopt the color blind ethos that Martin Luther King preached. However we are turning instead to an even greater emphasis on color than ever before ... in a growing determination to right old wrongs. Instead of reducing injustice we are going to create new injustices that will cry out for retribution at some day in the future. This is headed in the wrong direction.

When you start a race war, there is no clear assurance that you will win what you want. Obama, Holder and other blacks who think this is justice may win a few battles. However the war will go on long after they have left the battlefield. Blacks seem to have forgotten they are only 13% of our population and their turn on top is not forever. The idealism that tried to end injustice back in the 60s would be a far better solution for blacks than where Obama is headed.


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