Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Great Political War
Obama Never Expected

by J. Robert Smith - April 10th, 2010 - American Thinker

Providence is no friend of hubris, and there is much foul hubris in the left's maximum leader, Barack Obama, and perhaps as much in his minions. Whether the Tower of Obama meets the same fate as the Tower of Babel depends on the outcome of the political war underway. Expect the war to be protracted and a close run thing, for, when push comes to shove, Mr. Obama and the left are choosing to govern in semi-caudillo fashion; that is, contrary to the will of the people. Utopia is being foisted on Americans for their own good.

The cocky President Obama, his chief henchman, the bullying locker-room nudist, Rahm Emanuel, and his Rasputin, a Chicago political machine consigliere named Axelrod, all misinterpreted and overestimated the results of the Democrats' ascendency in 2006 and 2008. They were buoyed by the analyses of shifts in the electorate penned by liberal pundits. America, the left believed, was ripe for a sharp turn left.

The TEA Party movement is the most obvious response to this belief. Though there are many who embrace the concepts of the left, it is clear it does not constitute the majority of the American Public. Yet like the outcome of the Civil War, victory is not assured for either side.

The author of this article, J. Robert Smtih, is clearly knowledgeable of the military actions in the Civil War our nation fought. His belief that the current battle for our country's future is similar in its importance to the battle of Cold Harbor is interesting. It is quite likely that Barack Obama and his minions would find little solace in comparing their predicament to that of Robert E. Lee at Cold Harbor.

The forces of freedom and liberty can still win. Yet like the battle at Cold Harbor, it is still possible for the forces who fight for the destruction of our nation to carry the day. Just as Lee and the Confederacy could well have won the Civil War if only a few small battles had alternate outcomes that were clearly possible. War is a battle of wills and strategy. Neither is by itself compelling.


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