Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama To Implement
Gag Order By Decree

by Bill Wilson – April 18th, 2011 - Net Right Daily

... the Heritage Foundation’s Hans A. von Spakovsky, a former Federal Election Commissioner, broke a story for Pajamas Media about a draft executive order by the White House to compel companies, their directors, and officers to disclose donations to candidates, parties, campaign committees, and non-profit groups that make independent expenditures during an election cycle.

The clear intent is to silence those who make political contributions not acceptable to the Obama regime. It exempts unions and organizations like Planned Parenthood that are Democrat front groups. Only those who might be disposed to support free enterprise are targeted. As usual, Obama is simply writing this new law and implementing it by "executive order", the process by which Obama bypasses the legislature and rules without challenge. We used to call that dictatorship.


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