Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Couric Starts 2nd Week In 3rd Place

by Michael Learmonth - September 12th, 2006 - Variety

Katie Couric's "Evening News" fell to third place Monday night, just six nights after she stormed into first in her debut week at CBS.


CBS' fall to third was received with no small amount of glee in the news departments of NBC and ABC, which had little to do last week but stand by and wonder how many viewers who sampled her show would stick around long-term.

Ah, the Main Stream Media (MSM). Variety calls Katies new position 3rd place. What they overlook is that 3rd place is LAST PLACE. There is no 4th place amoung the networks. I wonder if Katie feels justified in taking her reported $15 million in salary for being in last place?

Perhaps "Quirky" Katie can re-run her special on her colonoscopy and get her ratings back up. Now that is prime time news. Certainly more important than the war in the middle east or the campaign for control of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Katie Couric's colonoscopy. Yuck.


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