Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fascists, Lies and Presidential Videotape

by Curly Morris - September 1, 2006 - Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald

I've been called many things in my life, but I never expected to be called a fascist by the Secretary of Defense.

Actually Curly, he did not call you a fascist. He said that the people we are at war with are fascist and that you are wrong to think that fighting them in the middle east, including Iraq, is not the best policy. Rumsfield's boss, Bush was even careful to say that he did not think you were an appeaser for having your view. He said you were well intentioned but wrong.

My opinion is that Bush was wrong when he gave you credit for not being an appeaser. No one who so egregiously mis-states the comments of another, as you did here, can claim the moral high ground. Your comments are extremely offensive.

There are a few other of your comments I would like to disagree with too, so I am going to include a few more quotes than usual from your article to make it clearer what I am responding to.

Here goes.

For my politically challenged readers, fascism is defined as a governmental concept that is led by a dictator that has complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism.

So, declaring yourself the winner of an election where you received 47 percent of the total vote when your main competition received 48 percent doesn't make you a fascist?

George Bush did not declare himself the victor. The U.S. Supreme Court, by 7 to 2, ruled that the Florida Supreme Court did not have the right to overturn the Florida Secretary of State affirmation of the Democratic Party Controlled Boards of Election vote counts in two Florida Counties which were accurate under the rules in place at the time of the election. They stopped the Florida Supreme Court from "inventing" a new state law to allow a recount by their rules, since the U.S. Constitution provides that the rules must be made by the Florida Legislature, not the Florida Supreme Court. Part of the reason is that the Florida court wrote rules that were so biased in Gore's favor they were an embarassment. I repeat that ruling was made by 7 to 2. Even a democrat should have to concede that is a pretty solid victory. But you don't!

It has always astonished me that all these nationwide democrat partisans who claim Bush stole the election ignore that the vote counts they insist should have been overturned were made by two Boards of Election that are overwhelmingly controlled by Democratic Party officials.

It is also curious that the court vote that is always touted by democrat partisans is the 5 to 4 vote by the Supreme Court as to whether the U.S. Supreme Court, rather than the Florida Supreme Court, could "invent" new rules to do a recount that would be a better set of rules than the Florida Legislature had written. 5 Justices ruled that the election had been run by the rules in force at the time, properly passed by the Florida Legislature as the U.S. Consitution provides, and the election was therefore over. That ruling merely stated neither the U.S. Supreme Court or the Florida Supreme Court could "invent" new rules to hold another recount which the law in Florida did not allow. However the original ruling was by 7 to 2 that the election had been run properly.

To claim this means Bush declared himself the victor is so stupid it would not be worth addressing again, except you had the audacity to write it. You don't like the result so you lie about what happened. Anyway, even the pro democrat Miami papers have since written that under the biased Florida Supreme Court rules for a recount, BUSH WOULD STILL HAVE WON!

During an interview at the White House last week, President Bush was asked by Cox News' Ken Herman what Iraq had to do with 9/11.

"Nothing," Bush said. "Absolutely nothing."

If you don't believe me, the press conference is posted all over the Internet.

Bush had just as well made that statement to the families of every soldier killed or maimed in the Iraq war.

I can't imagine how the mother of a child blown up by Iraqi insurgents must have felt when she heard that.

Actually this is a rather amusing charge for you to make. Bush has never said that Saddam or Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. The charge that Bush has claimed Iraq was involved in 9/11 is a lie invented and repeated by democrats.

The argument Bush and the neo-conservatives made has always been that the islamofascist movement and its many factions were supported by Saddam (check out the $25,000 payments made to Hamas and Hezbollah suicide bombers by Saddam - and the Saddam support for Al Zarqawi who was both Al Qaeda and head of Saddam's foreign forces) and that for a list of reasons, we needed to remove Saddam from power to reduce the chances of his getting and giving these radicals access to nuclear bombs. Since the major work being done for an Iraq bomb was being carried on within the Lybian nuclear program, Qaddafi's giving up his nuclear program actually means that is one accomplishment that cannot be taken away from Bush. I know it doesn't stop you from pretending it did not happen, but it did!

Those who support the war believe that we are trying to stop nuclear bombs from going off here. You dismiss this happening. Under your illusion about the islamofascists they are mad about us invading Iraq. So why have they bombed and attacked us repeatedly for 30 years?

Your simplistic dismissal of the arguments made by neo-conservatives, as you did with your comments above, merely proves you are unwilling to honestly discuss the merits of the war.

Your article is nothing but a series of ad hominem attacks on Bush and all Republicans who disagree with you. What I find amusing is that you and Pat Buchanan agree on this. Buchanan smears Bush with the same attacks at every opportunity. There is a major argument going on inside the Republican Party with neoconservatives on one side and Buchanan on the other. Who would have thought you and Buchanan would have so much in common!

Including it would seem the willingness to use ad hominem attacks against anyone you disagree with.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Curly Morris said...

I hope that my comments were offensive to anyone who has supported President Bush and continues to attempt to justify his acttions. The thing about a simplistic view is that it is not clouded by semantics and double speak. I invite you to research my comments in forum not shared by people who think the way you do, so that at the very least you offer your readers an opinion gathered from opposing sides. Concerning the lies as well as deplorable tenure by President Bush: if there was ever a time in the history of this country that bigots, racists, and ultra conservatives were unable to hide behind the cover of some supposed moral blanket that the Republican Party has tried to coverthemselves in for years it is now. The reason true journalists are forced to use simplistic tactics in arguing for decency from our highestexecutive is because the financial leverage of the Republican Perty has been used to cloud the minds of Americans for several years now to cover up three simple facts: #1 Our supposed War on Terror has accomplished absolutely nothing in the way of slowing down Al-Queda.
#2 - Osama Bin Laden, the supposed orchestrator of 9/11 is still alive, well and in full charge of his terrorist regime five years after 9/11
#3 - Despite all the Republican rhetoric about Iraq and their being a country to faciitate terrorism, not a single one of Bush's intiatives to justify war againstIraq has proven to be true, and in the first democratic elections held in Iraq since the US invasion....the people elected the terrorist.

When you write for the newspaper, as I do, you have to be cogninant of the reading level of your entire audience, and as such a writer has to scale down his arguments for the sake of space allotments and reader comprehension.
I would happily detail for you in an academic format the shortcomings and failures of the Bush administration and the lack of common sense, respect and patriotism shown by peeople who continue to support him.
But why shuld I? I already got your attention.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Curly Morris said...

Oh and by the way, since you aretrying to use Republican math to argue my facts, you've just further proved my point.
Funny how you never challenged these two numbers 2,600 and 20,000, guess those nubers don't matter huh?
My point exactly.


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