Democrat Flags
This is a story with an important lesson. For every single Democrat in America who still loves his country, please note that you have aligned yourself with a large pack of socialists, Marxists and even communists who hate America.
The flags at the Democrat rally in Denver were all for show. When Republican rally's are held and free flags are available, you almost never see any flags left over after the rally. The reason is simple. Republicans love getting a free flag and taking it home.
Below are the trash bags used to gather up all the flags that the anti-war crowd in the Denver stadium used to appluad Barack Obama and proclaim their "love" of America. They were left behind in trash bags after the event. These people do not love America. They do not want a free flag to take home because they don't have American flags in their homes.

As I said above, the lesson is simple. Most Democrats today don't love America, they love socialism or various versions of it. If you are a Democrat and love America, you need to ask yourself why things like this flag controversy keep coming up? Are you trying to kid yourself that being aligned with people who hate America is okay? Are you trying to convince yourself that they are not the leadership of the party? Are you trying to kid yourself that their defense of people who hate our nation is just proof of their idealism? Are you trying to hide from the truth?
One truth is that a number of pictures taken during the cleanup in Denver proves these flags were put in trash bags. Other trash was put in the same bags. The bags were stacked next to dumpsters. Do you believe they were not being trashed?
The Barack Obama campaign claims they were going to be recycled. That claim itself indicates these people do not have a clue how to treat the American flag since you cannot recycle a flag. It is an obvious lie and an insult to intelligence to believe the flags were stolen. They were never even missed! Ask yourself, why didn't the people who waved these flags at the Obama outdoor event, care enough to take them home? Can these fellow Democrats really love America? Be honest.
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