Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Media Descend To A New Low

by Stephen F. Hayes - September, 2nd, 2008 - The Weekly Standard

Time's Mark Halperin has posted an advance copy of the cover of US Weekly magazine, the tabloid published by Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner. That cover shows a smiling Sarah Palin, holding her youngest son Trig. The screaming headline: "Babies, Lies and Scandal: John McCain's Vice President."

Wenner has contributed $5300 to Obama's campaign since 2007.

At the same time period in his life during which Barack Obama admits to regularly taking Cocaine, Todd Palin got a DUI . . . before he and Sarah were married by the way. No one in the press thinks taking Cocaine is a big deal for Obama, but the fact that she married a man who drank too much one night over 20 years ago disqualifies Palin for public office? That is the position of the press!

Sarah Palin, as mayor of a small town, wore a Pat Buchanan button when he visited her town, and that makes her a fascist extremist who is unfit to be Vice President? However Barack Obama follows a racist America hating advocate of black liberation theology, Jermiah Wright, for 20 years and Obama is defended as not being responsible for the views of this man just because he is his mentor. This is labelled unfair guilt by association.

Allen Holmes makes a totally unfounded suggestion that Palin caused her sons Downs Syndrome by failing to provide proper prenatal care and it is repeated by numerous press members as if it has been scientifically proved. At the same time the press ignores the period in his life when Obama regularly studied the philosophy and strategies of the American hating extremist Saul Alinsky, and ignores Obama's early record during college. These periods are blanks but the press seems uninterested for some reason in knowing what Obama did.

Because Palin advocates abstinence and it is clear her daughter did not follow her advice, Palin is labelled a failed mother unfit to serve our nation? However Obama working as Chairman for the organization founded by America hating unrepentant Weatherman Bill Ayers is ignored by the Main Stream Media. Even as Obama suggested that this attack was unfair, Obama supporter Barney Frank, a homosexual who lived out of wedlock with his lover, argued that the issue proved Palin unfit. The press made sure Frank's atttack was well covered. Don't forget that the revelation that the daughter was pregnant was only necessary because the media was spreading the lie that the daughter was the real mother of Trig, Sarah Palin's son with Downs Syndrome. The press had to settle for calling her an unfit mother when they failed to smear her as a liar and fraud.

While running for office Palin sent a video, asking for votes, to be aired at the convention of a conservative political party in Alaska that is frustrated with the refusal by left wing extremists in the Democrat Party to allow them to develop their state's natural resources. They have as one part of their party's agenda the argument that Alaska should be allowed to vote again on whether to stay in the Union. Extremist? Yes. Does that mean Palin shares their views? To the press that is not the point. Though public records prove she was registered as a Republican, she is presumed to be a member of that party just because a party official said she was. [By the way, that official has now retracted her statement] This standard is never applied to liberals. As noted above, Obama has been closely tied to Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright . . . and even has clearly gained economic advantage from dealing with Tony Rezko. The press ignores all of this. Unfair guilt by association is the standard reply. Pitiful excuses are accepted and the issues are not even reported. Not so for Palin.

They have even lied about her mother-in-law not supporting her. Faye Palin: “There is absolutely no question, I’m going to vote for the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin . . . Casual conversations get turned into things taken out of context which from my experience was extremely hurtful. As newcomers to this arena that’s a lesson were going to have to learn and I find that sad . . . To have it twisted, I find it personally offensive . . . I’ve supported her since Day One . . . I’ve stood out on the parks highway in the cold waving signs, we’ve done fundraisers. We’ve consistently supported her in her political efforts up to today and will continue to do so.”

Scandals? The only scandal here is the blatant double standard practiced by the extremists of the MSM. They hate conservatives and Republicans and will do anything to attack them.

The press will make sure that any trivial issue that can be misconstrued as harming Governor Sarah Palin will be blared from headlines. Nothing good will be reported. However a track record of associating with left wing extremists is dismissed as unfair guilt by association for Obama. Why is wearing a button of a man visiting the city she is Mayor of proof Palin shares all Buchannan's views while years of association with extremists not proof of anything about Obama?

We have a serious problem when the media is not fair or neutral in their reporting. Nothing bad you hear about Govern Sarah Palin can be believed.


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