Sunday, November 02, 2008

'My Heart And My Values Didn't Change'

Link to posting - November 2nd, 2008 -

On a cold, gray morning a week before Election Day, President Bush briefly emerged from the White House for an unannounced visit to the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Southeast Washington.


But inside an overflowing conference room, he was greeted with roaring applause as he urged his fellow Republicans to keep pushing for the finish line.

About half the Republican Party still loves this man. A few quotes from posters:

"I pray for our President every night." - but do you pray for the country he took over with conservatives in power and corrupted everything that we stood for, leaving conservatives despised by the majority of Americans for actions we did not even support?

"W. has been terrific. The MAIN thing in his administration he got right, and that is the War on Terror." - but do you remember that he fought against the surge and mismanaged the war until he was hammered in the 2006 elections and forced to change course?

"I'm going to miss George Bush. He is a great man and, I believe, will go down as one of this country's greatest presidents." - but do you care that he doubled the size of government, doubled the number of regulations strangling small business, eviscerated support for the war with his mindless claim he was at war with "terror", whatever that is?

"I see the country I love heading for a nightmare world of socialism and loss of personal freedom and I can't help but wish our leader had fought back instead of ceding the political stage to the leftists." - but then how could Bush attack them, since he was a socialist himself?

"President Bush has been in office for eight years and we have unprecedented debt, an enormous financial crisis and democrats running the show. This very nice man has left us in a very bad fix. Obama will finish the job." - nothing else to say.

Half of Republicans may still love him but about half the Republican Party despises George W. Bush. As Christians we are a forgiving people and his popularity will probably increase in the years ahead. It makes me sad to know that this incompetent buffoon is so loved by so many good people who cannot see the destruction he created with his duplicity.

He was and is a socialist, as much as Barack Obama. Bush just did not understand that socialists are required to hate America. Since Bush was an American patriot, the socialists never cared that he was helping to eviscerate our nation. They hated him anyway.
As far as I am concerned, the tyranny of socialism he has advanced is reason enough. I hate George W. Bush as much as the left, but for totally opposite reasons. Socialists hate him for not hating America. I hate him for being a socialist period.

George W. Bush says "My Heart And My Values Didn't Change". We know George. May you rot in hell.


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