Friday, January 02, 2009

Fifty Years Later,
Cubans Still Are Fleeing
The Revolution

by Damien Cave - January 1st, 2009 - International Herald Tribune

Fifty years ago on Thursday, many Cubans cheered when Fidel Castro seized power in Havana, and even now, the revolution attracts many fans - as evidenced by a Canadian tour agency advertising trips "to celebrate five decades of resilience."

But the bodies speak to a different legacy. Here in South Florida, where roughly 850,000 Cubans have settled over the years, repeated waves of painful exile and family separation define the Castro era.

Socialism in Cuba has been a disaster, despite the recent proclamation by President Raul Castro that socialism had " ... not failed in any way ... " disputing claims by enemies of Cuba " ... that socialism has been a failure." This statement is entirely consistent with the mantra of the socialist teachers in America who espouse socialism to our children and claim that any interference with their indoctrination of our children is "politicizing education". These teachers almost religiously espouse Cuba as the grand example of how America should form its society.

They are misleading in every regard when they tout this failed state as a glowing example of socialist success in the face of "capitalist" subjugation.

In Bruce Walkers article,
Fifty Years of Fidel there is a list of the extreme totalitarian ideologies that Fidel embraced before he threw out the social leftist Batista and then surprisingly embraced socialism as his new form of tyranny over the island of Cuba. The illusion that Batista was a right wing dictator is just one more illusion of the Marxist followers in America who re-write history for the greater benefit of their socialist brethren in Cuba.

Some useful statistics about Cuba can be found in the article Cuban Stalinism at 50--and the Media Lies Continue which can help to counter the standard propaganda litany that flows from our socialist press.

Socialism is and always will be a failed ideology. The blood bath chronicled in the article by Damien Cave at top is a perfect example of what really happened . It is also a lesson for America as it starts to follow the Marxist Barack Obama in his quest to install socialism here in our nation.


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