Dismissal Of Black Panther Case
A 'Travesty of Justice'
by Staff - September 24th, 2010 - Fox News
The Justice Department is ignoring civil rights cases that involve white victims and wrongly abandoned a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party last year, a top department official testified Friday. He called the department's conduct a "travesty of justice."
It was. Even worse is the reality that neither Christian Adams, the gentleman who previously testified, or the official testifying yesterday, Christoper Coates, were permitted to testify by the Obama Administration. Obama did everything he could to stop them. Adams had to quit his job, and Coates testified under protection of whistle blower laws after he was ordered NOT to testify. Obama has fought to keep this incident hidden for more than a year.
Not only is the Obama DOJ racist, they are fighting to keep their racist agenda hidden from the public. With the November 2nd elections coming up, it is frightening to realize, the Obama DOJ will be controlling what happens in voter intimidation cases. Both the SEIU, already guilty of beating up Tea Party members, and the New Black Panther Party, the group given a free pass in the incident from the last election, know exactly where they stand. Free to intimidate who they please.
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