Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rewriting History A
Classroom At A Time

by Fred Thompson - April 26th, 2007 -

. . . according to a study funded by the British government, we find out that some schools in Great Britain have stopped teaching history that is offensive to Muslim students. The topics that have been erased from the curriculum, the study found, include both the Nazi genocide and the Crusades.

This rewriting of history through omission wasn't some government policy. It was the result of individual decisions in local schools by teachers . . . .

Tenure is something that no one expected to be turned into such a devious and dangerous practice. Tenure has resulted in teachers being indifferent to what society thinks on any subject. Tenure allows teachers to simply do whatever they want. They are not accountable to anyone. Tenure is a practice that needs to be ended.

It permits for the insidious erosion of the culture of a nation, whether that erosion is driven by ideology or fear.


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