Some Firms Replace Offshoring With Onshoring
by Peter Pae - October 21st, 2007 - Los Angeles Times
CORSICANA, TEXAS -- Gary Richardson left this boomtown-gone-bust in 1996 for a computer job in Dallas, the big city 60 miles north.
"I didn't think I would ever come back," Richardson recalled recently, "because there were no jobs like mine here." Not until this year, when Northrop Grumman Corp. opened an information technology center in town and began recruiting IT specialists and software engineers.
In a twist on offshoring that Northrop has dubbed onshoring, the global defense and technology corporation has been shipping computer work to small-town America, shunning India's Bangalore and Mumbai.
The Inner Banks is one of the best places in America for us to start emphasizing "ONshoring". Great climate, beautiful nature, low cost of living. Only two things needed. Schools that can teach and homes that will attract.
Here is a comparison that will excite anyone in rural America about the tremendous future we can have.

How about it County Commissioners? Lets get going.
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