Thursday, October 09, 2008

Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?

by Jack Cashill - October 9th, 2008 - The American Thinker

The public is asked to believe Obama wrote Dreams From My Father on his own, almost as though he were some sort of literary idiot savant. I do not buy this canard for a minute, not at all. Writing is as much a craft as, say, golf. To put this in perspective, imagine if a friend played a few rounds in the high 90s and then a few years later, without further practice, made the PGA Tour. It doesn't happen.

The similarities between Obama's book and Ayer's books are too compelling. This author is correct when he says that the writer Bill Ayers is the ghost writer of Barack Obama's admittedly lie filled "memoir". It is not surprising that Obama wishes to keep Ayers at arms length. Not only is Ayers' political philosophy a sure death knell to Obama's political aspirations, exposure of the secret authorship will be a death knell to Obama's claim to intellectual heft.

Also, if you doubt the "memoir" is filled with lies you need only refer to Obama explaining that he created some composite characters and fictional incidents in his story. This is not actually Obama's autobiography, as it is sometimes referred to. It is a fictional story with some similarities to Obama's youth, but highly exagerrated. It is impossible to know what is truth and what is fiction where Barack Obama is concerned. The interesting thing is when something actually in "his" book, like his attending a Muslim school, is determined to be damaging to him, Obama says the accusation is a "lie". If it is a lie, then he is the liar.


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