Monday, October 06, 2008

Can George Bush Be That Stupid?

Again and again. Again and again. George Bush finds the worst possible thing to say at the worst possible moment and makes a crisis worse. Not content with having damaged the Republican Party in 2006 through his stubborn refusal to listen, George Bush decided to wait until the last moment in the campaign of 2008 to see if he could sink the Republican Party forever.

The Democrats created a crisis in the home mortgage market with their socialized campaign of government coercion against lenders. It was an abusive, tyrannical, socialist fiasco. George Bush's solution? Come out and insist that Republicans were to blame and that he wanted $700 billion, with no strings, to fix the problem, outraging everyone who was not a Republican. You can say that Bush was trying to be bi-partisan, but as usual it did not come out that way. Everything Bush said implied he had screwed up and wanted Congress to help bail him (and our Party) out. Not true but that is how he made it seem.

How can Bush be so totally tone deaf? How can he always find a way to communicate almost the opposite of the truth? How can he always find a way to destroy the Republican Party while he abandons our every principal?

Well he did it. It is the belief of the American independent voter this crisis is caused by Republicans, and that John McCain has proved by his endorsement of the bill that he and George Bush are joined at the hip over an issue on which the public is rightly outraged. They did not hear that Democrats caused this crisis. They did not hear that John McCain believed that there was a crisis and that he wanted to do what was in the interest of the American Public. McCain's campaign managed to tie McCain to Bush about a new disaster when all the efforts of the Democrats had failed to make that case until now.

No more ignorant handling of this crisis could have been managed, but it is Bush who put McCain in an impossible situation. This crisis could have waited 30 days. It is now clear that the bailout bill made the crisis worse not better. It also was the final nail in the Republican Party coffin that our lousy President has been building for 8 years.

The consequence? The Magic Marxist as President. A veto proof Senate. And a radicalized House of Representatives that will raise taxes to cover up for the stupid Republican requested "bailout" that spent 2 trillion dollars for no good purpose. The laws that created the crisis were left in place, both Community Reinvestment Act and Sarbanes Oxley. That means that it is only a matter of time before the same crisis happens again. What a legacy for your last major effort, George.

I can only say, congratulations George W. Bush. When you entered office we had a total Republican Government. Thanks to your leadership we have squandered the confidence of the American people, lost their support of a war we have to win, persuaded them that socialism is superior to free enterprise, convinced them that we are religious bigots and made it appear that Republicans are the corrupt party.

You have been a real disaster for conservatives . . . and for America. Please go back to your ranch before America is destroyed as badly as your Party has been.


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