Monday, November 03, 2008

America's Last Will And Testament

by Bret Prelutsky - November 2nd, 2008 -

It astounds me that Democrats continue to paint Republicans as plutocrats when kazillionaires like Kennedy, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, Kerry, Clinton and even a guy named Rockefeller, sit in the Senate, and people like George Soros, Barbra Streisand, George Clooney, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey, fill their coffers.

Other people's money and guilt. It appears the American people have decided that we must throw away the strengths of the greatest nation on earth because we are not perfect. Not perfect. Instead half our nation is in love with a man who is a racist, Marxist, pacifist (for America anyway) and extreme environmentalist. This man has never run anything except a political organization, he has never created wealth, he has written books talking about his incredible "journey" when he has in fact always been a recipient of a free pass based on his race. What journey was it that he took? He got an education paid for by others and got elected to congress with no opposition. He has accomplished nothing in his life.

Now, half this nation thinks being President is such an easy job that this radical, inexperienced, duplicitous politician, race baiting hate monger, devoid of substance save a pretty voice bigot who promises class warfare to tear our nation apart, is challenging for the most powerful position on earth.

If America survives, she will never again be a free nation ... unless and until we go through a second revolution.


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