Sunday, January 11, 2009

CO2 Fairytales In Global Warming

by Gregory Young - January 11th, 2009 - American Thinker

If one were to script a Global Warming scam one would have to be a knot-head or brain-dead to pick Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as the lead factor.

Of course we know now that CO2 was rolled out as the "poster child" nemesis against the environment. It was meant to get us hysterical enough to plead with our politicians to exact a tax on our carbon footprints so that we can save the planet earth. But it's turning out that the CO2 "poster child" has significant problems. Despite the fact that Carbon is a part of the CO2 molecule, the atmospheric science of CO2 directly contradicts what the AGW alarmists are trying to sell us.

This article by Greg Young is another excellent article which disputes the illogical "man is causing global warming" theory. The key new fact for me is the evidence about the Cambrian period.

Also note that in the Cambrian Age, some 570 million years ago, all of life -- "all" meaning all 34 current animal phyla -- appeared to suddenly explode upon the earth's surface (left-hand side of the chart). Atmospheric CO2 concentrations at that time were estimated to be close to 7,000 ppm. That's a CO2 concentration of 7000 ppm then, 385 ppm now.

Try and get Al Gore or any of the chicken little alarmists to explain why the greatest life creating period of our planet's existence had CO2 of 7,000 ppm and they consider 385 ppm to be some diabolical conspiracy of the oil industry to destroy our planet. I wonder if maybe there is not some need to assure that CO2 goes up? Now that is a plan that would drive Al Gore bonkers.


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