Friday, January 09, 2009

Obama Displayed Ignorance
While Promising Miracles

by Nancy Thorner - January 8th, 2008 - American Thinker

The giant $1 trillion stimulus package -- this seems to be the spending floor -- that Obama wanted on his desk by his swearing-in on January 21, but whose date could be postponed until mid-February, is nothing more than a giant Ponzi scheme marketed as a way to spend ourselves out of this economic downturn. It will involve money that this nation doesn't have to spend. It would be the biggest government spending bill in world history, charged to this nation's credit card for our children to pay without safeguards and appropriate hearings to scrutinize how the tax dollars are being spent. The money will either have to be borrowed or printed (unbacked paper) which could cause double-digit inflation in 6-to-18 months, as it is not possible to raise enough taxes from people or businesses in a down economy.

All this is happening at a time when we in the private sector are tightening our belts. One day the piper will have to be paid.

In truth, behind the promise of jobs and an economic rebound seems to be is political motive that seeks to build an enduring and a lasting Democrat majority through the doling out of government money to Democrat mayors, Labor Unions, environmental groups, etc. All are lining up like pigs at a trough to feast for a piece of the pork from what amounts to a large government slush fund.

At the same time that they are establishing a Democrat party slush fund with American taxpayer money, liberal after liberal is repeating the mantra of Jimmy Carter, that our best days are behind us and Americans need to get used to that and accept it. We need to commit oursleves to new goals of being the fairest society in the world, not the richest.

Amazingly it is our youth who are most enthusiastic about Obama and his tax and spend goals. They are excited about the idea that they will be the generation that proves socialism is the best system in the world, as they knowingly bury free enterprise.

Last night while watching Florida beat Oklahoma at Hammeheads, a local restaurant, a young lady I met told me with all seriousness that being a bureaucrat was the most exicting thing she could imagine, "serving" the public (as she put it) as they fixed America's failures under the leader of the socialist movement, Barack Obama.

Nothing I could say would dissuade her. She believes.


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