Wednesday, January 28, 2009

GOP: Time To Get Things Undone

by Michelle Malkin - January 28th, 2009 -

For the past year, I've chronicled the inevitable lard-up of bipartisan bailouts and stimulus boondoggles -- and the predictable Chicken Little dance in Washington when these massive emergency "fixes" have fallen short. Contrary to the belief that Obama is America's Lightworker who can defy political gravity, H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, guarantees more of the same old borrow-spend-panic-repeat cycle that got us into our current mess in the first place. This is not an investment in America's future. It's an unprecedented mortgaging of America's future -- which is why the bill is forever known in my book as the Generational Theft Act of 2009.

Michelle accurately describes the consequences of this ridiculous return to stimulus economics. Milton Friedman proved with brilliant logic the failures of this economic theory of the left. His denunciations were not based on theory but assessment of actual failure after failure. It will not work this time just because a lot of smart people want it to work. Even the Treasury secretary during the FDR years, Morgenthau, came to realize that everything they did failed, and merely left the country loaded down with debt.

This time will be no different. Even as FDR turned a temporary recession into a decade long depression, Obama is about to commit our nation to another try at socialism. It has never worked before. It will not work now.

My fear is that so many Republicans bought in to the "compassionate conservatism" bilge of Rove-Bush that Republicans themselves do not understand the horrors of socialism.

Great article.


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