Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama's Outrageous Oversight

Editorial - February 12, 2009 - The Washington Times

Debra Burlingame, sister of Charles Burlingame III, the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 that was flown into the Pentagon on 9/11, was present at last Friday's White House meeting of families of terrorism victims. Her impression was that President Obama was saying the right words in general, but when it came to specifics he was uncertain, uninformed, and sometimes just plain mistaken.


Evidently the former editor of the Harvard Law Review seems to think that one of his powers as president is personally to pick and choose which constitutional rights apply to terror defendants and which do not.

It is now less than 3 weeks since this amateur buffoon has been President and every accusation of disaster made against him, all of which were derided and dismissed by his supporters, is now coming true. The Magic Marxist Messiah has just destroyed free enterprise with his 'stimulus' plans.

Plus he has already set up the war against the Islamo-fascists for certain defeat. Our defeat, not theirs.

I have never been more depressed for my country.


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