Monday, April 27, 2009

Izzy: Dizzy For Moscow

by Staff - April 27, 2009 - New York Post

Another one of the left's cherished political myths bites the dust.

For decades, the late I.F. Stone has been a revered liberal journalistic icon: An anti-establishment, muckraking crusader whose self-published weekly newsletter was required reading in Washington.

He was also, it now turns out, a paid agent of the Stalin-era KGB.

The article notes there is a long list of accused communists and anti-American socialists druing the cold war who (it has now been proven) WERE communists and anti-American socialists. I wonder if that is the reason progressives have always screamed like stuck pigs (an accusation the left always insist applies to conservatives and libertarians when we criticize them) whenever this belief system is attributed to one of them for defending that belief system.

Why is it that progressives will argue for progressive policies but resent the label that goes with the belief? You don't find libertarians or conservatives refusing to accept the label that applies to them. There is something inherently deceitful about people who resent a label that so clearly applies to them. Perhaps that is because the progressive philosophy is at its root a system of beliefs that is traitorous to our nation. It is a belief system that replaces individual freedom with government bureaucrats to tell you how to live your life. Just as all the "accused" traitors during the cold war turned out to have really been traitors, I think a couple of generations from now those who accept and promote progressive beliefs will turn out to have been traitors in our day.

Or as others have noted about I.F. Stone; "he was anti-American, on the payroll of our cold war enemies, dedicated to subverting free enterprise and individual freedom ... in other words, just another typical journalist."


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