Saturday, November 08, 2008

'Center-right' America
Lurches Further Left

by Mark Steyn - November 6th, 2008 - Orange County Register

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

"Live free or die!"

What's that? Oh, don't mind me. I'm just trying out slogans for the 2012 campaign and seeing which one would get the biggest laughs.

This is as good an article as I have seen that summarizes the case that freedom, and free enterprise, died with the election of Barack Obama. Or perhaps it died with the election of the the first socialist, George W. Bush.

The only difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama is that George loves America and Barack wants to fix America. Other than that, both are socialists who want to buy votes with federal largess. The one thing I am glad of with the election of Obama? I will no longer have to watch conservatives defend the actions of the socialist George W. Bush against attacks by people who agree with his goals but simply hate America and despise Bush for being a patriot. Being a patriot is not enough when you are destroying my nation and for that, I hate George W. Bush too.

As noted in an earlier posting, the American people say they are: Liberal-Progressive - 21%, Moderate-Libertarian - 44% and Conservative - 34%. This is supposed to make the case we are a center-right nation. However when half the 34% who claim to be conservative support George W. Bush and his "compassionate conservative" explosive growth of government socialism, I am not sure that this poll proves anything but that the American people don't have a clue what these labels mean.


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